Saturday, June 30, 2007

This weeks menus

DH was out of town so it was just me this week.

Sun- we golfed so dinner was out- pizza from a local chain- first time I had pizza from there since going almost vegan. I had the veggie with no cheese and it was very good! DH had the cheeseburger pizza.

Mon- giant salad with lots of veggies from my csa box and two new greens from the farmer at the next table- boma and water greens. Both were excellent in the salad and steamed. I liked the sweetness of the water greens better fresh and the complex flavor of the boma steamed. Brushetta- homemade tomato topping, Tomato Pomadoro, over the semolina bread.

Tues- Breakfast was a radish sandwich. I golf 18 holes and walked so Chinese for dinner tonight. Hunan Bean Curd- yum!

Wed- Giant salad and leftover steamed greens.

Thurs- Sauteed yellow squash with tempeh bacon for lunch and then Roasted Cauliflower, Wild Mushrooms, and Chickpeas with Horseradish Creme for dinner. The Horseradish Creme was also good on the last of the leftover Semolina bread.

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