Thursday, January 18, 2007

My new favorite bread!

I made a new whole wheat bread, Pecan Wheat, this afternoon and it's my new favorite. It was so good and the crust had a nice crispness. I made the bread in my bread machine as directed using the walnuts. I made one regular sized loaf and 4 little personal loaves. You can find the recipe here.

Curried Cauliflower and Yummy Bread

Tonight's dinner was a nice veganish/meat lovers blend. DH had a sandwich made from leftover flank steak from last night. We shared Braised Cauliflower with Three-Seed Sauce from Vegan with a Vengeance served over whole wheat couscous. I also had a spinach salad. Lovely for both of us.

I tried to take a pic but, well, still need some practice!!